Welcome to Cross-Scale Functional Ecology
My Personal Chronicles of Data Science, Ecological Processes, and Figurative Arts.
One of the hundreds things happening at Weecology.
Welcome! I am just another data science, plant and food enthusiast PhD student in Quantitative Ecology, questioning about how functional traits’ dimensions scale across US. If you, like me, are wondering why terrestrial ecosystems are shaped the way they are, you are very Welcome!
Each one of the following sections represent a piece of my "creative" life. Please explore My Projects, read My Blog Posts, use My Materials to learn some new techniques, or take a look at My Figurative Projects!About Me

Hi! I am Sergio Marconi, PhD student in Interdisciplinary Ecology at University of Florida. I am interested in understanding why we live in the Nature we live in: what are the processes that shape trees communities and ecosystems structure? How do realized structures at landscape affect continental and global functions of forests? I use machine learning methods to recognize scale dependant patters, while I build statistical and deterministic hierarchical models to try answering such questions.
Last but not least, in what's left of my free time I like to explore some figurative arts: give a look to My Figurative Projects Take a look at my Curriculum VitaeContact
If you are interested in what I am doing, want to follow my updates, fund my studies, or just be friends, please follow me on Twitter or Instagram, and send me a message here!